Organic Aquaculture: Organic Label

Due to the rigorous nature of organic practices for livestock and crops, many people believe that organic aquaculture is a point of view is not available for the industry. While you think it may be feasible to disagree on how .

In 2002 Agriculture Organization (FAO ) and the United Nations Food 20-25 said they had private and non private certification for organic aquaculture , which vary from country to country , certifying certifying and species. In an attempt to unify these labels of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements ( IFOAM ) has attempted to create guidelines Hormonise organic production and certification in the world.

 Similarly, a new EU regulation has aquaculture standards for the first time , and is scheduled to be released in January 2009 . This will then form the legal basis for organic aquaculture in Europe.

The variety of species produced in huge systems and cultural differences between the requirements for fish , crustaceans , molluscs and aquatic plants add to the complexity of the definition of the aquaculture sector . Some production systems and species is more difficult than others to adapt to a system of "organic" traditional .

Salmon farming in cages in open water is a challenge for organic production due to leakage , contamination of sea lice and nutrient losses .

According to a spokesman for the Soil Association : " It is certainly a different perspective to think about the aquatic environment rather than the traditional approach based on the " floor " of organic farming , but the general ecological principles , as defined IFOAM can also be applied to agriculture in the water. "

" It should be borne in mind that terrestrial agriculture is the most destructive of the environment of the human race has ever undertaken ," said the spokesman , adding : " There are systems like more sustainable seafood and organic land of almost all aquaculture farming systems . "

Pond the soil Association says crop species such as carp, tilapia , catfish and similar species can be grown at low density storage with minimal requirements external energy .

Nevertheless, the Soil Association also claims that the use of fish meal and fish oil in feeds for aquaculture , especially in diets for carnivorous fish , has been criticized for being inherently unsustainable , and a source of organic pollutants pollutants ( such as PCBs and dioxins ) .

Aquaculture industry consumes about 46 percent and 81 percent of the global supply of fishmeal and fish oil, respectively . Moreover, the enormous complexity of the world's marine fisheries ago that sustainable use of flour and oil, one of the biggest challenges facing not only organic farmers , but the entire aquaculture industry.

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